It is a fact of life that property needs regular repair and redecoration to maintain its value and the fabric of the building. Left unchecked, failure to attend to routine repairs can lead to disproportionately high costs and an unlettable building.
Oldfield Smith & Co can accurately assess the condition of your property and advise on compliance with the repairing obligations set out in the lease. Where issues are identified, we can compile a detailed Schedule of Dilapidations, setting out what needs to be done in order to put the property back into good order.
For Landlords we can ensure that the property is handed back ready for immediate re-letting or where the tenant has defaulted, we can help to quantify losses so that these can be pursued. We can advise on the need for reinstatement where the property has been altered and can ensure that all statutory requirements have been met. This will allow the property to be re-let as quickly as possible and so minimise any rental void.
When working for Tenants, Oldfield Smith & Co independently review Schedules of Dilapidation prepared by the Landlord and can advise as to whether or not the claim is reasonable. We can provide guidance on the nature and extent of any works required in order to comply with the terms of the lease and represent the Tenant in subsequent negotiations were a financial settlement is proposed.
Where the disrepair is serious, we can provide comprehensive help with organising and supervising works and can also offer guidance on the Landlord’s rights to enter into a let property during the term of the lease and carry out repairs where the Tenant has failed to do so.
For a FREE informal discussion about any concerns over dilapidations or repairs, call Bernard Smith now in confidence and without obligation.