Aerial Survey work takes off!

6th March 2021

The Oldfield Smith & Co UAV (drone) has been out and about again this week in the skies of Hampshire, with instructions in Basingstoke and Fleet.

We have been surveying two industrial developments for clients and whilst on site captured the 360 degree panorama shown below.  This provides a great view of what is a very heavily developed area at ground level, allowing a much more natural and comprehensive understanding about how the site fits together.


We also carried out detailed roof inspections on a site in Fleet, capturing high resolution still images which would otherwise have required access with either a cherry picker or scaffold.  Our team were able to complete the work in a fraction of the time and with a minimum of inconvenience to the occupiers.

Being professional operators we naturally comply with all requirements of aviation law and have specialist aviation insurance to cover commercial operations.  For the these instructions, our pre-flight planning included liaising with the Hampshire Air Ambulance and NHS security staff as the site is adjacent to Basingstoke Hospital.  The Fleet site is in close proximity to Farnborough Airport and a number of military airfields, so required specific consents to fly as well as contact with air traffic control, all of which was handled by our in-house aerial survey department.

We can provide aerial surveys, marketing photos and 4k video images of sites across the country at very competitive rates.  For full details, call our team on 01825 762222.